You may download one driver software related to the product you purchased to update your PC's driver software. You may obtain the License for the use of product imagines, trademarks and logos of AVerMedia via contacting AVerMedia for detailed information. We will not disclose personal information and any personal information you have provided will only be used on this Web site. What does the Warranty Cover?. AVerMedia does not guarantee that all the drivers provided from this website will meet requirements of the users'' current equipments or devices and in no events shall AVerMedia bear any liability, whether express, implied or stipulated by related laws and regulations. Do NOT open or reassembly the item, because we will not accept the item back.
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Our warehouse will select the most appropriate carrier when your order is processed. Can act as either an analog or digital tuner but not at the same time Combo: Easily switch between channels and adjust volume. If you have any technical problems after downloading the software, AVerMedia recommends users to ask for help directly from your PC manufacturers or distributors who sell the equipment or devices. Got one to sell?

For the detailed system requirements, please read the user manual. If you want to receive an over-the-air, cable, or satellite signal on your computer or PC-based home theater, the internal and external TV tuners from AVerMedia are an option.

Downloading information from this Web site constitutes agreement with following terms and conditions. Legal Policy and Terms of this Web site: Appropriately reference to source and proper acknowledgement therein are also required, avermeria as to make a statement "AVerMedia is the registered trademark of AVerMedia Technologies Inc.

It is prohibited for avrrmedia to provide material that is illegal, threatening, defamatory, obscene, pornographic or which otherwise violates laws, statutes and regulations in the territory where users locate.

Guaranteed by Fri, Jan 4. The 3D effect of 2D-3D video conversion will be influenced by the quality of the video source and viewing environment. I did plug it in to my computer and it said it could not find the driver. On top of that, it can be directly connected to streaming platforms like RECentral, so sharing and preserving your legendary matches is easier than ever.

Which outputs are available?

TV Tuner Filter Applied. What you see in the photos is what you are getting. These products also have scan functionality in order to discover what channels are available. Aver MediaCenter 3D includes support for anaglyphic and polarized 3D display modes.

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Guaranteed 3 day delivery. The continued use of this website will mean user accept any change. De-interlacing with the Smooth Edge Option delivers stable and smooth video quality without aanlog CPU resources. If you have any technical problems after downloading the software, AVerMedia recommends users to ask for help directly from your PC manufacturers or distributors who sell the equipment or devices.

Tv card works and removed from a Dell XPS.

You may obtain the License for the use of product imagines, trademarks and logos of AVerMedia amalog contacting AVerMedia for detailed information.

No longer need it though, and clearing up some extra computer stuff. The absence of any trademarks or registered trademarks of AVerMedia in this policy statement or other parts of this web does not constitute a waiver of any rights or interests that AVerMedia has established.

Content provided for informational purposes only. fv

Bought for our church but they weren't what we needed. Channels can also be keyed into the device or selected from the menu for more options. It is acknowledged that the original software drivers AVerMedia provides may be modified by various hardware manufacturers for the purpose of different hardware kaarti. Buying Format see all.

AVerMedia TV Tuner for sale | eBay

Show only see all. Output a raw video stream that requires additional processing for recording Digital: The absence of any trademarks or registered trademarks of Jarti in this policy statement or other parts of this web does not constitute a waiver of any rights or interests that AVerMedia has established. Broadcast Formats Supported see all.


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